social network strategy for new holland agriculture


People's stories convey trust in the brand: the social network strategy is colored thanks to the experience and stories of each one.

The Client

New Holland Agriculture, a CNH Industrial company, provides a wide range of agricultural machines and accessories, offers global presence, proximity to the customer thanks to a solid network of dealers and to leading solutions for profitable and sustainable agriculture.


New Holland Agriculture has entrusted AND EMILI with devising the editorial plan for the Facebook Italy page and the new Instagram Italy profile.

In both cases we asked ourselves what was the most promising opportunity to expand the social audience on the channel: we identified it in the switch from a communication based on products and technical data to one focused on people and storytelling.


It is people, through their stories, that inspire trust in the brand: they do it by talking about their successes and their daily challenges, in which New Holland is their ally.

New Holland products are the heart of the story, but their representation changes: personal storytelling reveals both technical feaures and emotions that a historical brand inspires.


The production of original video content has become the pivot of the Facebook editorial plan: emotional-technical content, or web series of pure entertainment (#NHlovers).

Hence the need for New Holland to be able to produce videos constantly and independently. AND EMILI responded to this need by training New Holland Product Specialists, professionals in customer relationship, enabling them to create video contents.

AND EMILI takes care of editing the raw footage, so that the final product meets social network standards and is consistent with the chosen tone of voice.


The Instagram profile is characterized by an immediate visual impact, with a language typical for that channel. From the copy of the bio to the use of images and videos, the communication effort reinforces the privileged relationship between the #NHlovers, the community of New Holland fans, and the brand.


The videos produced for the New Holland Italy Facebook page were immediately placed at the top of the posts of the social channel. The video format proposed produces an average engagement about 10 times higher than images, the second most appreciated type of content. The new Instagram profile was opened on April 3, 2019 and in less than two months has exceeded 10,000 followers with a mainly organic editorial activity, supported by Ads for further engagement.

In the Client's Words

La community degli NH lovers è in continua crescita e con lei la comunicazione digitale, per questa ragione New Holland ha l’esigenza di rinnovarsi continuamente. Grazie ad AND EMILI e al sostegno di un team competente, siamo riusciti da subito ad ottenere risultati sorprendenti: lo dimostrano gli oltre 10.000 followers della neofita pagina Instagram e i 100.000 di quella Facebook! AND EMILI si è dimostrato un partner fidato, in grado di comprendere le esigenze dei propri clienti e di coglierne al volo le necessità!

V. F. - Digital Communications New Holland Italia

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