WhatsApp Business Integration

WhatsApp Business Integration for New Holland Dealer Convention

Creating a dynamic, immediate and engaging interaction with attendees

The Client

New Holland, a CNH Industrial company, is one of the largest companies in the world in the field of agricultural machinery manufacturing. It offers a wide range of agricultural machines and equipment, along with a strong global presence with an extensive network of dealers.


New Holland wanted to emphasize its commitment to innovation and dealer engagement during the 2023 European Dealer Convention. The goal was to create a dynamic, immediate, and engaging interaction with the event attendees.


In an increasingly digital context, where simplicity and efficiency are crucial, New Holland has chosen to adopt WhatsApp Business. The solution was identified, in collaboration with AND EMILI, as the lightest and most intuitive based on data: the majority of European users already have the app installed and use it daily.

Features and Benefits of WhatsApp Business:

  • Direct Communication: Being able to send broadcast messages allows New Holland to reach a wide audience quickly and precisely.
  • Feedback and Contributions: Users can respond directly to messages, providing valuable feedback and contributions.
  • Ease of Use: Most users already use WhatsApp. Adding New Holland as a contact is extremely simple: you just scan a QR code or approve a contact request with an 'OK' message.
  • Versatile Content Management: Thanks to a backend specially developed by AND EMILI, New Holland can send surveys, links, multimedia content, and much more, directly on users phones.
  • Integration and Analysis: Thanks to APIs, the application can be integrated with other systems, allowing effective management and detailed usage analysis.

The success of this solution lies not only in its simplicity but also in its positioning within the convention schedule. New Holland ensured that the interaction took place at the right moment, ensuring a seamless and meaningful user experience.


The implementation of WhatsApp Business has revolutionized the way New Holland interacts with its dealers. This has not only enhanced engagement during the European Dealer Convention but has also opened doors to new possibilities of communication and interaction for the future.


onboarded receivers

out of 1065 participants from 15 markets in 9 languages

6-7 March 2023


messages sent to participants

6-7 March 2023


messages received from participants

6-7 March 2023


survey respondents

125 participants (Central Team) not involved

6-7 March 2023

In the Client's Words

L’esigenza dell’evento era di comunicare in maniera chiara e diretta con i dealer, rendendoli principali attori della convention.

La soluzione di WhatsApp Business proposta da AND EMILI ha reso il progetto fattibile in maniera facile e intuitiva. I nostri dealer già utilizzavano la app e la conoscevano, questo ha reso immediato l’uso durante la convention.

Il contributo di AND EMILI è stato fondamentale anche dal punto di vista editoriale, creando una piattaforma di gestione dei messaggi personalizzati per mercato e la ricezione di immagini e video direttamente dai dealer.

F. M. Global Digital Marketing Manager, New Holland

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